During the Activate conference taking place in London last week, Google CEO Eric Schmidt found the time to talk about the future of online industry, He also discussed the success of the Apple iPad and Android, also mentioning that mobile web usage has grown eight time faster than the traditional one.

It’s important to mention, however, that mobile devices are supported by computers, since the apps and voice recognition still rely on cloud solutions. Schmidt also mentioned that developers have turned to mobile platforms and now they’re creating more apps for mobile than Windows or Mac.

The positive and negative effects of Internet were discussed and the Google CEO called the Internet a “disruptive technology”, perhaps even more than electricity. At some point, a rumour regarding Google’s possible launch of a social networking site was brought up, but Schmidt refused to comment on the supposed Facebook rival.

What we know for sure, though is that Google Voice is headed for the UK.

[via providingnews.com]

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