With all this talk of the iPhone 6 and the Apple A6 processor, some forget that we’re waiting for the iPhone 5 to drop any day now. Well, not quite any day, since the handset is supposed to be delayed, if a recent rumor is to be believed. Supposedly, the Apple A5 dual core CPU inside the handset suffers from overheating.

It seems that Apple is having a hard time adapting the powerful processor to the small package of the next-gen iPhone. Meanwhile, TSMC remains the best candidate to manufacture the Apple A6 processor for the iPhone 6, relying on its 3D 28nm chips technology. We should expect a 30% performance boost and a 50% power consumption drop.

Also, the TSMC solution will deal with overheating, so maybe Apple should have worked with these guys before. The Cupertino giant is supposed to give up the Samsung components one by one, as the lawsuits between the companies continue. Apple may also drop Intel’s chipsets from its Macbook series, going the ARM way. These are drastic changes, as could be the switch to a Sharp display on the iPhone 6 and the supposed Sony camera on the iPhone 5.

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