Google decided to celebrate the release of Android 2.3 by also revamping the Android Market, as the launch of Samsung Nexus S is getting closer. The new Android Market will be available on handset with Android 1.6 and newer versions over the coming weeks. In case you’re wondering what’s new, we have some details after the break.

The update is all about discovering new application and better usability of the service. There’s a new carousel system on the home menu and categories, so you can quickly flip through it and reach promoted applications, next reaching the download page. Easier navigation is what the search engine giant is gunning for, plus cleanliness.

Also, we’re happy to announce that widgets and live wallpapers are now included in a separate category, in order not to confuse people searching for genuine software and apps. Another plus is the fact Google now offers extra info about each application, they provide content ratings and more.

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