Dell hasn’t exactly been in the spotlight lately, aside from the statement that they’re thinking about Windows 8 tablets. Now they resurfaced in China with the Streak Pro handset with Android. Don’t mistake this for a 5 incher Galaxy Note rival, but rather your average 4.3 inch smartphone with reasonable specs.

In case you’re wondering why Dell is focusing on Asia nowadays, know that the company is happy with the development of technology right there and with the large amount of customers. Dell Streak Pro has little chance of making it on a market where HTC, Samsung and Apple rule and the best proof is the failure of the Dell Venue Pro Windows Phone. That was a cool device, but people had better alternatives and better prices, so it kicked the bucket. Dell Streak was an interesting device when it came out, with the 5 inch display and all, but Android 1.6 and lack of updates killed it.

Well, this time the Dell Streak Pro is here to make up for past sins, packing 3G, a dual core 1.5GHz processor, a 4.3 inch display with 960 x 540 pixel resolution and gorilla Glass protection. The design seems a bit bulky, but for these specs and a decent price tag, I’d take this device over a double priced HTC any day now.

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