Android 2.2 Froyo has been leaking quite a lot recently and on many different handset models. These include Samsung Galaxy S, Motorola Droid X and now HTC Droid Incredible, that received its share of Froyo action. While Droid X was only spotted running the fresh build in pics, Droid Incredible even has its build available and ready for install.

Last we heard, Froyo was coming to the Incredible at Christmas time, which is crazy, since there will be tons of Android 2.2 devices out by then. Aside from the standard feats of the OS you’ll find HTC Flashlight, FM radio widget, a Sync all widget, 3G mobile hotspot features and more.

App sharing is also enabled, as well as messaging app optimization, 720p video recording, a calculator widget and updated SMS widget. More details on flashing your HTC Droid Incredible can be found here and remember to flash the radio first.

[via intomobile]

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