Kyocera has just announced the launch of its Android Developer Program, specifically created for the dual screen Kyocera Echo handset, introduced last month. The handset will debut on Sprint next month and the company’s Developer Program includes an SDK, plus extra tools to support the development of Android apps for the dual display handset.

Kyocera claims that it has received strong support from member of the Android developer community and that the Echo’s unique design is a new opportunity to enhance functionality of apps. Screen space is no longer an issue, as devs will now have available almost as much space as the one on a mid level tablet.

When the Kyocera Echo is closed, it will operate in single screen mode, like a normal smartphone, while the Simul-Task mode will involve both displays and the 7 core apps of the phone: messaging, email, web browsing, phone, gallery, contacts and VueQue. In the Optimized Mode, you’ll use both displays as a single one, thanks to an optimized app with complementary functionality.

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