While the Kyocera Echo might be a dual screen phone that’s pretty original, Engadget’s review proves that this handset is not for everyone. After all, this is a pretty bulky device with Android 2.2 on it and two displays that can work as one, if you want them to operate in that manner.

Sprint is the carrier selling this phone, that’s certainly no looker, when it comes to size, but it’s quite light. The hinge is a patent-pending piece of technology and that’s practically the mechanism that makes and breaks the phone, although it’s pretty easy to use. You just need a simple thumb push from left to right to slide the top panel back and next thing you know, you’ll have the two screens lined up and ready to be used.

The hinge has these settings: lock/unlock, lie-flat and single tilt. Kyocera Echo runs Android 2.2 and it’s very possible that Gingerbread will come this summer, or at the worst case, this fall, according to Engadget. If you wonder about the specs, we’re talking 1GHz here, plus 1GB of ROM, 512MB of RAM and all the connectivity you need.

Kyocera also has an original Simul-Task app ready for this device, meaning that you’ll enjoy its features on two screens. This one allows you to do one thing one of the screens, like view a video on YouTube and check your email on the other, if you want to. There’s also the option of using the full estate of the two displays as one big screen, but more on that in video below and Engadget’s full review here.

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