Looking for a cool iPhone case this Christmas? Factron Simplex should be your thing, a case made out of duralumin, going for $200 and incorporating a bunch of lenses for your handset. Made by Japanese company Factron, this product weighs 48 grams (the iPhone weighs 133g) and it’s compatible with both the 3G and 3GS models.


We learn that the case has “the same precision screws used in wristwatches” and its main selling point is the design, plus the fact that the accessory is lens-friendly. This means that you can mount several lenses on it and use the iPhone’s camera with ease. Factron also sells such lenses.

Let us remind you that duralumin is used in airship frames and auto body panels, so this should make your iPhone quite resilient.



[via crunchgear]

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