Recently, through Bloomberg we find out that Google confirmed that it acquired the product-design company called Gecko Design Inc. , in order to add product-design capabilities to its research lab. Now, Gecko will join Google’s X lab, as the startup just officially annnounced on its website.


We find out that the company helps design products for clients like Hewlett-Packard (HP), furniture maker Hermann Miller Inc. and for the wearable-device producer Fit Bit Inc. Jacques Cagne, President of Gecko, said: “This is an incredible opportunity for everyone at Gecko. We are very excited and honored to join Google(x) and work on a variety of cutting edge projects.”

After this post, Google confirmed the deal to bring Gecko to X without giving out any other details. The X Lab from Google is currently investing in its research purpose to develop fresh technology as Glass computerized eyewear and driverless cars.

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