Yesterday’s was Google’s great celebration day and you might have notice that, due to the fact that the Mountain View giant’s logo changed into Goog11 to indicate the birthday. It’s hard to say when Google REALLY was born, but it was sometime around September 7 and September 27 in 1998.


September 4 is also considered Google’s birthday, since it was the date when the company filed papers for establishing the brand as a California corporation. What’s interesting is that even the search engine giant claims that it likes to move its birthday around, during the month of September, “depending on the people that they feel like having cake”.

If you clicked on the “Goog11e” logo shown yesterday, you reached a search page with references to the company’s birthday. Going way back, we learn that in 1995, the two founders of the search engine, Larry Page and Sergey Brin met and in 1996 they began working on a search engine called BackRub. The latter was so good that it crashed the Stanford computers it ran on, so the duo moved to a garage, belonging to Susan Wojcicki.

There, they ran Google for the first time and started a craziness that has over 30% of the people with Internet worldwide using their service daily.

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