Google has just welcomed AdMob into its family, after acquiring the famous mobile advertising service a couple of weeks ago. The Big G closed the acquisition yesterday and now we’ll see the following steps: combining the products and teams of the two companies in the best way, plus creating new products and services.

The clients will be kept and integration will be fast and seamless. Google also mentions on its official blog that people have started using their mobile search services more and more, as people using smartphones with full WebKit browser searched 62% more in the first trimester of 2010, compared to the previous 3 months.

New search methods are available, ranging from voice search, search via photos (Goggles) and real world translation of search queries. What’s really neat is that some search ads allow the user to “click to call”, so if you’re a restaurant and you’ve got a mobile ad published, the customer can reach you straight from the search page, by clicking the phone number in your ad, in order to call your place.

AdMob has the advantage of working with thousands of advertisers, publishers and developers, so they’ll contribute skill and experience to Google’s business.  Also, AdMob was among the first companies to serve ads in mobile apps on the iPhone and Android devices.

[via Google Blog]

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