Another day, another rumor! This time the rumor refers to a new HTC super smartphone, with a 4.3 inch display and a dual core CPU. This is supposedly an Android device dubbed HTC Pyramid. The handset is meant to use a 1.2GHz dual core processor and its screen is a qHD one.

The handset is 4G capable and it’s supposed to reach T-Mobile, according to the same speculations. No info on the launch date, price and total list of specs, but best guesses consider this unit ready for a Q2 launch. Pyramid might not be the final product name and that picture above might not be the most fortunate, with what’s going on in Egypt right now.

Androidandme claims that the handset might even support 1080p video recording, a 960 x 540 pixel display resolution and HSPA+, not the LTE 4G we were hoping for.

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