HTC didn’t quite impress at MWC 2011 last month, but it made up with CTIA 2011, unveiling the HTC EVO 3D dual core 3D smartphone, but there’s still more to come! We’ll see more new products on April 12th it seems, the date when HTC has scheduled a new press event, that already has invites sent to most major publications.

It could be a Honeycomb tablet that’s ready for debut, or maybe that rumored 10 inch slate we’ve been hearing about or finally the long-rumored HTC Pyramid flagship Android smartphone. The invitation (pictured below) has a liquid metal theme, which is not much of an indication concerning the identity of the new device.

We could witness a modest launch, with HTC Pyramid taking off together with the GSM HTC EVO 3D, or the Taiwanese company could go all out and launch both the Pyramid phone and a Honeycomb tablet. We’ll find out more on April 12th, when the mystery will be gone…

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