We’re supposedly a month away from the iPhone 5 unveiling and each day there’s a new information about the device or a new component that’s been leaked. This time we learn that the handset might support a 640 x 1136 pixel resolution, something that we’ve heard before, but this time with proof.

One of the rumors most often to appear about the new iPhone is the presence of a 4 inch display and its longer case, compared to the iPhone 4S. Back in May there was a rumor about a next gen iPhone with a taller display and a 3.999 inch diagonal, with a resolution of 640 x 1136 pixels. At this resolution Apple is able to keep the horizontal length of the iPhone and only increase the height. The form factor was confirmed by the recent leaks and now it appears that the taller display and bigger resolution will also mean that you get an extra row of icons.

The current iPhone display feature 4 rows of icons, while the new one will offer 5. The proof was found in the tweaks of the iOS Simulator application, that was included in the iOS development tools. The simulator ran at the resolution mentioned above, 640 x 1136 pixel and it displayed 5 complete rows. Below you can see a comparison of iOS 6.0 and iOS 5.1 running at the big resolution. It’s interesting to note that the simulator won’t be able to display 5 rows of apps correctly at any other resolution than this one, so there you have: solid proof.

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