Samsung’s Galaxy Round couldn’t launch without a reply from LG, especially since the two companies have been going neck to neck when it comes to the development of the first flexible phones or the first curved ones for that matter.


With a name like LG G Flex, you have to deliver at least some flexibility… Well, all we know right now is what we see, so no specs have been revealed. The G Flex is a premium curved smartphone, with a 6 inch screen according to rumors and its curve is different from the Galaxy Round’s. This time, instead of curving from the left to right, this model flexes from the top to bottom.

The device’s bezels are basically non existing, so we’re dealing with an edge to edge device, that also seems to ditch the upper and lower bezel. That sounds like a great phone to have and here’s an unexpected benefit of a curved handset: you won’t feel you’re using a 6 inch device, because it’s curved and seems less long. On the other hand, fitting it into your pockets…. big problem.


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