Cyanogen, the famous ROM hacker and developer recently tweeted that he’s planning on adding lockscreen gestures to future ROMs. These will allow the user to launch an app or function by drawing a gesture on the lockscreen. There’s also a post on CyanogenMod forums detailing the new feature.

This was created by mtwebster and you must know that thanks to this function, you’ll assign custom gestures to specific actions. As an example, if you draw a circle on-screen, you’ll launch Facebook, or you can draw a bird to launch Angry Birds and much more. The easy way to set up custom gestures is to navigate to CM Settings, then Input and Lockscreen Gesture.

These extra feature is included into a third party launcher, that’s not available to the underlying operating system. Moto Droid owners are the first lucky ones, since the feature was already included into an experimental 6.1.0 ROM for the handset, available here.

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