Apple’s got a new patent (go figure) for Near Field Communication (iTravel), enabling users to purchase electronic tickets for all sorts of events straight from their devices. The Cupertino giant is still working on this solution, while Android users will get a version of their own, of this technology.

Near Field Communication (NFC) is the way to go, for Android and this short-range high-frequency wireless communication technology is used to enable the exchange of data between handsets. Thus, you’ll use your phone to pay for products, by simply swiping it near a NFC terminal. The needed hardware is manufactured by NXC Semiconductors, a company claiming that the solution will premiere on Android phones.

Henri Ardevol, general manager of secure transactions at NXP Semiconductors claims that the first handsets supporting NFC will hit the market in 2010 and some more will be available in H1 2011. After the hardware is available, we’ll have to wait for developers to work with APIs and create the needed apps.

[via IntoMobile]

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