Last we heard, Palm’s new webOS device, the Pixi was coming to the US market on October 20, but now it turns out the info was wrong, or at least inaccurate. An inside source let the folks of Engadget know that the date is incorrect and that we’ll be seeing the handset in stores around the holiday season.


No information regarding the price was revealed, although speculations claim that it’ll be available for about $100 or less, on contract, via Sprint. Palm Pre now goes for $150 at full price and special offers make it reach less than $100 nowadays.

What’s Pixi all about? A full QWERTY keyboard, GPS, a touch sensitive gesture area, Bluetooth 2.1, 8GB of storage space, an accelerometer, a 1150 mAh battery and support for Sprint’s services (NFL Mobile Live, NASCAR Sprint Cup, Sprint TV and more).

[via Electronista]

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