Here’s a very nice handset getting demoed and tested in front of the camera, Sharp SH-04A, a thick device with a solid QWERTY keyboard. Its sliding mechanism is OK, the phone’s interface is user-friendly and original, but more on that in the following video:

Next, we go to the classic Iron Man trailer playback, showcasing the video features of the device. SH-04A has nice graphics, Dolby Mobile support and a great interface for media files, like some sort of 3D Rubik’s cube. Moving on, we have a look at the Photo menu, also using some sort of rotating cube interface scheme.

You’ll be able to pass from one picture to another by sliding your finger horizontally on the screen, “pinch” a photo in order to zoom it and use the accelerometer to change its orientation from portrait to landscape. All of these features get demoed in the two videos below:

[via dailymobile]

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