Nokia have just posted a countdown timer on their main European site, but it also shows up on Nokia Middle East and Africa home pages. The timer shows that there are about two days left till the Finns will reveal “something important”. Is it a new phone? A new service? An operating system, maybe?

On the exact date when the timer expires, Tuesday, December 2nd, 09:15 CET Nokia World makes its debut. Nokia CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo and executive VP Anssi Vanjoki will be attending the event and they’ll give a keynote bearing the title “Transforming the way we connect”. We suppose that this keynote will also include a couple of pretty hot announcements.

The Finnish company might want to refresh its portofolio, maybe announce a roadmap for 2009, although those are usually leaked and kept a secret. Also, Nokia could announce an Internet tablet, showing their love for more advanced users, or maybe even that leaked E75 we’ve been waiting for.

We wouldn’t say no to an N Series device with a touchscreen or even a very unlikely console.

[Nokia Europe via Symbian Guru]

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