Last we heard, the Symbian Foundation announced that Symbian is now available as an open source platform, with the entire software being published under fully open license. Now, Symbian makes the headlines again, this time thanks to Symbian^3, that got detailed on the official blog of the platform. Here’s a short video showing what the novelty is:

Symbian^3 will bring lots of innovations to the OS scene, like better graphics and networking, better usability, a faster UI and speedier web connectivity. Also, the software will support TV connections and viewing HD movies without the need of an extra device, plus gaming, radio and much more.

The new version of Symbian is defined by three main attributes: “Simpler, Faster, Better”. The first is all about the single tap paradigm used throughout the touch interface, easing interaction and navigation. One-click connectivity is also enabled and as far as “Faster” is concerned, you get full hardware acceleration, for a more responsive UI.

Thus, thanks to the architecture upgrades, you’ll be able to upload large videos, listen to Internet radio and enjoy streaming, if you want. The “Better” attribute refers to the Homescreen, for example, that now supports multiple widget pages, flicking gestures to move between them, multiple widget instances and UI extension, if needed.

Expect Symbian^3 to be complete by the end of this quarter and the first handsets that runs it to make the market from H2 2010. If you want more details about the platform, you can find it here.


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