You might be aware of the fact that the Apple iPhone doesn’t support Flash, so it’s not able to display a couple of pretty interesting sites. Till now, all we got when trying to view Flash-based content was a message saying “To view this content upgrade your browser and flash plug-in.”. However, Adobe now turns aggressive…


A editor tried to access a Flash-based website on the iPhone and received a pretty strong message, that sounded something like “Listen up, you may want flash but you can’t have flash- at least not on this device. Why? Don’t blame us. It is certainly doable to enable flash on this thing but Apple RESTRICTS the technology needed to make it happen.

And until Apple changes their policy you are out of luck. Seriously, we WANT to give you Flash. It would be our pleasure to give you Flash. We are ready to give you Flash. Seriously! But Apple won’t let us. Adobe- Good. Apple- Bad.”

This could be an old message, but we’ve just come across it. Has it ever happened to you?

[via geardiary]

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