With April Fools taking place yesterday, it’s pretty hard to find reliable news today, so here’s one of the fakes we came cross. The Amazon Blaze dual core smartphone is obviously a joke, but we’ll give a tour through this elaborated prank. Basically we’re dealing with a dream or a concept of a device that maybe one day will become real.

Since Amazon is supposed to be working on a tablet, why not venture into the smartphone segment with a device sporting these specs:

  • Display: 4.3 inch Mirasol
  • CPU: 1.2GHz dual core, Qualcomm MSM8660
  • Memory: 512MB RAM, 32GB internal storage, microSD card (8GB included)
  • Camera: 5MP rear, 1.3MP front
  • Connectivity: Mobile High Definition Link port for microUSB and microHDMI, DLNA, NFC, Bluetooth 3.0, GSM/HSPA+
  • Battery: 1700 mAh, Li-Ion, solar panel

We’re not very convinced by the form factor and that black matte case that seems to lack personality. Also, we didn’t fall for the whole Mirasol and solar charging thing, that clearly proves this is an April Fools joke, Would be fine if it were real, though…

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