If you’re looking for info on the next version of Android, Gingerbread (Android 3.0), we’ve already got some interesting facts about the OS. Mobile-review.com has some interesting things to say about the platform, courtesy of the famous Eldar Murtazin.

Gingerbread will be released in mid-October (15-16th) 2010, it seems and the first phones with it on board will ship during the holiday season. Eldar continues to detail Android 3.0 with the minimum hardware requirements: 1GHz CPU, 512MB RAM, 3.5 inch or higher displays with the 1280 x 760 pixel resolution available (for 4 inch and higher displays).

The latter specification makes us think of Android 3.0 tablets, that sound like a good idea. The UI will also be revamped, with a new feel, animated transitions and all of that natively, via the UI. Also, Android’s split into two branches will happen, with 3.0 being used on high end devices and the 2.1/2.2 versions remaining on cheap mass market handsets.

Eldar Murtazin mentioned that third party user interfaces will die once Gingerbread is released, so HTC Sense, Motoblur and TouchWiz will have to find a new platform to evolve on (or stick to Android 2.2/2.1). Will Android 3.0 be able to compete with iOS 4, MeeGo and Windows Phone 7 like a real rival?

[via Unwired View]

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