With all the recent talk about the United States’ debt, even Apple couldn’t stay away from this. Now, some interesting figures have placed it near the topic: the company has $75.876 billion available, while the USA only has $73.768 billion… plus its famous debts.

When we talk about the states’ money, we mean what the U.S. Treasury told the world, but I’m sure that there’s more than that available. Also, in case you’re wondering Google has $39.1 billion to spend, enough to make a social network or two grow beyond Facebook. Meanwhile, Microsoft had an impressive $40.23 billion in 2010, but $8.5 billion went to the Skype deal.

One can’t help but think this idea: “Steve Jobs for president?!”, considering his skills. At the rate things are going, the iPhone is going to become a standalone currency and maybe even get parried with the euro or pound. But these are only dreams, while in reality the US is facing yet another recession…

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