Cancel all your plans on June 6th, at around 10 am, since that’s the time when Apple is going to reveal its new products. Sadly, this year’s WWDC will be all about software, so there’s no new iPhone or iPad to check out, unless Steve Jobs plans to surprise us big time. Yes, you’ve read well, Steve will be present!

Aside from the fact that Steve will be there, we learn that Apple will also announce the long awaited iCloud service, maybe with music streaming included. Also, we could witness the unveiling of Mac OS X Lion and we were already promised a preview of iOS 5. Even so close to the event we can’t totally dismiss a hardware product launch…

We’re hoping for an iPhone nano or something unusual, like the next generation of iPod touch, but Apple has separate events for that. New iMacs and MacBooks would also be pretty cool. More info and details on Monday!

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