Apple has recently announced that WWDC 2009, its annual developer conference is completely sold out and this doesn’t surprise us one bit, considering that we’re bound to witness the launch of a new iPhone and maybe even an Apple netbook.


The conference takes place in San Francisco and starts on June 8th, ending on the 12th. The event has greatly evolved over the past yeas and Apple had to move the original location of the show (the underground Moscone Center) to the new Moscone West building. In 2007, no less than 5000 developers from all over the world attended the conference setting a new record for Apple.

In 2009, even more attendees are expected and the event will be all about the complete version of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, the third generation iPhone and maybe that rumoured media tablet/netbook with the Apple logo on it.

[via appleinsider]

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