In a recent interview with FierceWireless HTC CEO Peter Chou stated that the Sense UI won’t be seen on upcoming Windows Phone 7 devices. This goes perfectly with Microsoft’s statement concerning the few (or not at all) customization options it’ll provide on its new OS for handset makers.

However, HTC’s main man mentioned that there’s no time to deliver a Sense version for WP7, but HTC will keep on innovating on top of the platform as time goes by. Also, Chou said that it’s unlikely we’ll use the complete Sense UI on Windows Phone 7, so the Taiwanese company might choose a different route in order to improve experience on the handsets.

Last we heard, Sense was coming to WP7 as a hub, a collection of apps and features available at any time from the home screen, but that was a mere speculation and concept video. Meanwhile, Sense is becoming a crucial part of the Android experience on HTC Devices, so maybe the company will stick with Google’s OS for a while…

[via fiercewireless]

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