Opera Mobile is becoming more and more the default choice of people using Windows Mobile. This also applies to the Gigabyte GSmart S1200 handset, that now uses Opera Mobile 9.5 to power the “Hami” widget services and also provide access to local search engines, news, weather, stocks and more.


GSmart S1200 provides a pretty neat browsing experience and it would be a pity not to harness it by using Opera Mobile. Opera is also known for developing cool widgets for mobile phones and it should seamlessly integrated CHT’s Hami services, allowing users to socialize, search and have fun on the web.

CHT (Chunghwa Telecom) is a company based in Taiwan, that developed the Hami widget service, providing local, online info and in the future it will also include paid services, like e-book stores. For now, Hami is supported on the iPhone, Android and WinMo devices. Keep in mind that new shipment of GSmart S1200 will come with a preinstalled version of Opera Mobile 9.5.

[via wmpoweruser]

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