It appears you can get an Android 4.2 smartphone nowadays even if you pay less than 100 euros. Meanwhile, there are several high end smartphones with big names that have failed to get the above mentioned Android release.


Luckily the Goophone X1 is a quad core handset with Android 4.2 that only costs 82 euros. Of course, with a name that has “goo” in it, I can’t see this device making it out of Asia ever. The product packs in a quad core CPU, a 4.7 inch display with an unusual resolution of 854 x 480 pixels and 1 GB of RAM.

The processor inside is a Mediatek MT6589, a quad core unit at 1.2 GHz, accompanied by 4 GB of storage, a microSD card slot, 5 MP cam at the back and a front 1.3 megapixel camera. The battery is a 1800 mAh unit and Goophone X1 is also a dual SIM device, apparently. For just 82 euros, this surely sounds like a bargain!

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