Last week was all about HTC’s revolutionary Sense UI, available on HTC Hero for now. HTC was very eager to announce that fact that we won’t be seeing this interface on other “Google” branded devices and were sure that hackers will port it as soon as possible, to the G1 even. And here it is, Sense UI running on HTC’s first Android phone:

The port was created by a bunch of Italian hackers, bringing the Hero ROM to the Android G1. It’s surprising to see the beautiful interface working on this handset, that packs lesser punch than Hero (192MB of RAM versus 288, for example). Glitches are present, of course, but at least things are moving in the right direction.

What’s particularly neat about this port is that the build comes with many new widgets, it integrates Facebook in the address book and visually enhances apps. Another neat feature is the Flash support in the browser and you can check out this address, if you’re into ROM ports.

[via mobilecrunch]

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