HTC keeps on leaking hot new devices these days, either with Android or Windows Phone on board. This time we’ve stumbled upon a couple of new models, called HTC Spark, HTC Bee, and HTC Lexikon. Rumor has it that Spark might in fact be one and the same with the HTC Schubert (pictured below) model, although that’s not 100% confirmed, yet.

The Spark (pictured below) is a Windows Phone 7 device, with support for CDMA and GSM connectivity, a 1GHz Qualcomm CPU, 512MB of RAM, a 5 megapixel camera and a 3.7 inch WVGA screen. Moving on to the Android side of things, we uncover HTC Bee and Lexikon, with the first model being a possible relative to the HTC Aria, specially considering its smaller form factor.

HTC Bee runs Android 2.2, uses 384MB RAM, a 528MHz CPU and a 3.2 inch. Lexikon, on the other hand, is more well-specced, with a 3.8 inch screen, 512MB RAM and an 800MHz CPU. Also, we’ve scored a pictured of HTC Mozart, another device leaked on the web these days and shown in the image below.

[via htcpedia]

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