Ever since the Mobile World Congress 2011 unveiling of 5 new devices, HTC has been a bit quiet when it comes to big events and huge launches. Well, they’re unleashed a 3D phone and a dual core Sensation, but what about Mango OS? Well, now we’ve just found out that the company might released 8 new smartphones in Q3.

HTC CEO Peter Chou said recently that he expects the company he leads to launch between 6 and 8 smartphones in Q3. The Taiwanese giant wants to surpass the record of 12.1 million smartphone shipped in Q2 and expectations are around 13.5 million units for the September quarter. Chou said that we’re to expect middle or high end models, without mentioning any OS.

Among the handsets that I’m sure we’ll see there’s the huge HTC Eternity, with its 4.7 inch display and HTC Omega, plus the Ignite and Prime models. These are all Windows Phone 7 units, with the latter two sporting mid end specifications, considering the time frame they’re launched in. Also, we could see that rumored feminine phone we’ve been hearing so much about: Glamor or maybe Bliss, since speculations say that the ladies will get two handsets from HTC.

Also, another model with 720p display has been mentioned as HTC Vigor. Will we be surprised?

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