China Unicom has just managed to get a 3 year exclusivity deal and will finally bring the iPhone to China, while China Telecom is preparing to launch Palm Pre in the country with most mobile subscribers in the world.


China Unicom will sell its customers two versions of the 3G iPhone and these are 141 million subscribers we’re talking about, so it’s a huge boost for Apple’s international sales. It’s important to note that no revenue sharing deal will be applied in this case and we  have no info on the handset’s specs (with or without WiFi) or pricing.

Meanwhile, Financial Times mentions that the China Telecom is planning on offerrng the Pre handset to its subscribers, specially since the carrier supports CDMA and EV-DO connectivity. Palm’s latest smartphone is already available via Sprint and Bell, both CDMA networks, so this shouldn’t be an issue.

[via Engadget Mobile 1 and 2]

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