What’s it like to debut a major tech initiative with someone else’s trademark song? Imagine Apple launching an iPhone that uses the custom Nokia ringtone… Fail? Sure! Well, today, as Nokia and Microsoft announced their partnership, the two CEOs running the show appeared in a clip that has a familiar background song.

Boio.ro is the one with the scoop and as you’ll find out below this is the same song used in the October 2008 Apple MacBook Pro aluminum unibody design video. The song is a Loop from Garage Band or iMovie that the Cupertino giant made. The song is called “Pendulum” and you can find it on your Mac in the Apple Loops>Apple>iLife Sounds Effects>Jingles folder.

FAIL from the first day or just pure irony, considering that Nokia is going into a sort of deep sleep, only to awaken with greater power? Here are the clips for comparison purposes:

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