A recent document filed by Nokia this week reveals the company’s plans, that include converting 200 million Symbian users to the Windows Phone platform. This transition will take quite a while, with 2013 being mentioned as the deadline. With Nokia in standby for two years, anything can happen, like Android becoming the dominant platform till 2013, for example.

Google’s platform has moved from zero to 23% of the market in a mere two years and it they keep it up, Symbian will be a memory. 2011 and 2012 are considered transition years for Nokia, as Symbian slowly transforms into Windows Phone, through updates. The document mentioned above claims that the Finns will sell 150 million more Symbian devices during the transition.

There’s also the risk of losing market share in China, because of the partnership with Microsoft and as far as the costs are concerned, money spent on R&D will be less, while the devices will cost more, since royalty fees must be paid to Microsoft. Are you a Symbian user? Will you be moving to WP7 till 2013?

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