Nokia N9 has just been confirmed as shipping to customers and stores worldwide, in a move that will set Nokia fans in motion. However, let me remind you that the Finns will only make 92k units of the first and last MeeGo smartphone. This swipe-based handset has been up for preorders already and it appears that the 64GB units have all been reserved.

Product Specialist Risto Lahi from Nokia’s Flagship Store in Helsinki is claiming that people are crazy about the lack of button control on the new device and the intuitive way to browse the web. Nokia N9 is a polycarbonate phone with an original and unique design, plus an OS based on 3 home views: Applications, Events and live Apps.

With a single swipe you’ll go to the home menu, in a motion similar to the one of paper gliding off the table. Nokia N9 is available in black, cyan and magenta and its storage versions include 16 and 64GB units and I’m sure that 32GB also fits somewhere in there. The estimated price for the handset is EUR 480 for the 16GB N9, while the 64GB one costs EUR 560, all of these before taxes and subsidies.

Pricing and availability will differ from region to region and from carrier to carrier. Will you get one?

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