Pocketnow recently compared Skyfire to Opera Mobile 9.5 in a mobile browser duel, in order to find out which of them handles web pages faster. All we can say is that Opera got kicked really badly, but more of that in the video below:

As far as starting the browser is concerned, Opera is superior, as it loads in just 5 seconds, while Skyfire needs 11 seconds to start, mostly because it connects to a server in order to render web pages. Passing on to Opera Mobile 9.5’s handicaps, we discover that it doesn’t support Flash, while Skyfire does, a major advantage for displaying YouTube content.

Finally, when testing page loading speed, Pocketnow discovered that it took Skyfire 10 seconds to load the CNET site, while Opera Mobile only managed to pull a 30 second time period. Then, YouTube was tested and yet again Skyfire loaded it in 10 seconds, while Opera once again failed, this time in 20 seconds.

The conclusion? If you’re a touchscreen Windows Mobile device owner, don’t hesitate to get Skyfire now, by accessing get.skyfire.com from your mobile.

[via justamp.blogspot.com]

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