Palm Mansion is a device we’ve heard about before, when it was leaked as part of the HP-acquired brand portofolio for upcoming devices. Recent rumors between enthusiasts who forever debate Dell vs HP have mentioned its size, specially as far as the screen diagonal is concerned and it appears we’re dealing with a 5 inch device, that might as well be a Dell Streak rival.

However, this unit will still be marketed as a smartphone, possibly one that’s not part of the Pre or Pixi series. Other features are the confirmed touch display with 480 x 800 pixel resolution and… that’s about it, unless you count the rumors saying it’ll launch by the end of Q1 2011. The 5 inch smartphone could turn into a nifty tablet, in case Palm has a change of heart.

We’re curious to learn what HP will be providing for this unit and what OS it’ll be based on. WebOS 2.0 anyone?

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