Panic… not at the disco, but in the world of tech freaks who always want to get their hands on the latest gadgetry. Word goes on the streets that some lucky users from Android Forums will receive their T-Mobile G1 units before this week is over. The official date for the arrival of the handset in the shops was October 22nd, but geeks sure have a way with luck.

The first handsets to be delivered will land in the hands of their owners this Friday, the 17th, as rumours (and shipment receipts) have shown. 5 days before the official store launch is huge for some tech fanatics, who might get mad at T-Mobile for letting this happen AND losing personal data of their clients.

In case you’ve pre-ordered a G1 handset via UPS, check out the site of the company and you’ll have a pleasant surprise.

[via Boy Genius Report]

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