Spending too much time in/around a pool, while risking to get your smartphone wet? There’s now a waterproof coating available for most handsets, courtesy of Golden Shellback, starting at $60 prices. For example, you’ll pay $120 for a BlackBerry Pearl coating, $60 for an Apple iPod Shuffle, $75 for a Garmin GPS and $100 per speaker (up to 8 inches in diameter).

Here’s a look on how this technology works:

All you have to do it send Golden Shellback your handset and allow them to coat it, albeit the water protective layer will only last about 30 days. That’s only a month and it doesn’t quite make sense to pay half of your iPhone’s value for a feature that only lasts 4 weeks.

However, if you’re hanging around pools so often, I imagine you’ll have the cash to waterproof your phone every month… or not?

[via techdigest]

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