While the webOS platform only holds 0.7% of the smartphone market and some Palm fans are waiting for more, we’ve learned of an upgrade of Palm Pre’s OS. webOS 1.4 is the version we’re talking about and it’s scheduled to reach Pixi and Pre models all across the US pretty soon. If you’re wondering about improvements, continue reading after the break.

The change log of the new OS version includes fixes like the time zone bug fix, the correction of the network time sync bug, the BT car kit transition to device issue solved, the no EV-Icon bug fixed and the random browser formatting problem solved. The bug that incorrectly displayed Sprint when Digital Roaming was in fact present is also dealt with.

The enhancements include a phonebook transfer, support for video capture capability and better performance in calendar and phone features. New email options are also available (date, Sender, subject), as well as the ability to forward an SMS or email. You can now dial a phone number from a chat session and you can press and hold on a phone # to get more options.

Palm Pre’s button in gesture now blinks when notifications are pending and Adobe Flash 10 beta was also added to this device. More info about the changelog can be found here.

[via mobilecrunch]

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