Conduits Technologies recently released Pocket Player 4.0, a media player compatible with Windows Mobile 6 Pocket PC and Smartphone. This piece of software has a pretty solid background, winning the Best Audio at the 2008 Smartphone and Pocket PC Magazine Best Software Awards. Pocket Player 4.0 supports AAC and M4A playback, plus podcast subscriptions and gets enhanced MP3 support.


Conduits’ player is compatible with Windows Mobile 6.1, Windows Mobile 6 and Windows Mobile 5.0 devices and it’s available as a free trial. You can download it from here and evaluate both its versions for about 30 days. Pocket Player 4.0 comes with the MP3 DirectShow decoder, featured on all WM devices and the advantage of having this is less CPU usage and increased battery life.

If you’re a registered Pocket Player 3.x users for Windows Mobile Pocket PC and Smartphone (from December 1, 2008 till now) you’ll get the upgrade for free.

[via wmpoweruser]

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