HTC Hero is finally getting the Android 2.1 update this April, well at least the European version is, while the CDMA one will be updated sooner (on March 26). The GSM Hero gets the update as soon as April 2nd, but it won’t happen at once, so you’ll have to wait your turn, as shown in the list after the break.

The Eclair upgrade will keep taking place till May 10 or so and we have to mention that the info is not official, but the folks of the XDA community are a pretty reliable source. Whether you want to buy a HTC Legend or settle with the upgraded Hero, it’s your choice, but here’s the update schedule, shown below:

– Nordic countries, Greece, Russia, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia – April 2
– T-Mobile UK – April 16
– Orange UK – April 16
– Orange Spain – April 16
– T-Mobile Germany – April 16
– Orange France – April 22
– Vodacom South Africa – April 22
– Hutchison 3G UK – April 22
– Belgium – May 4
– Turkey – May 4
– T-Mobile Poland – May 10
– T-Mobile Hungary – May 10
– T-Mobile Macedonia – May 10

[via GSM Arena]

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