Google has just updated its Google Maps software, from version 3.0.16 to v3.2 and the most important new feature in this release is surely Google Layers. This option allows the user to add info to the current view, including Wikipedia entries. You can download Google Maps 3.2 from here.

Gmaps layers

The information can be accessed by clicking the “W” icons on the screen and they’ll pop up like info bubbles when you need them. The other “layers” are traffic, transit and My Maps, which are customized maps (created via desktop).

Bugs from the previous version have been fixed, copy/paste from various field has been re-enabled and now there are more search results to take advantage of. Layers can be accessed by using the “2” shortcut key and in case you’re looking for more info on this release and troubleshooting tips for Nokia devices, here they are.

Google Maps Layers2

[via wmexperts]

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