With the new Google Maps 5.3 for Android, you’ll be able to see your Google Location History dashboard and this app brings a couple more useful features, such as Home Check in and adding aspects for Places. Google Maps for Android has reached version 5.3, that’s now available on Android OS 1.6+ devices and brings forth the features detailed below.

These include a Location History for Google Latitude function, allowing you to visualize the trends in your location history. There’s now a personal dashboard available in Latitude on the PC and keep in mind that this type of data is private, so only you can see it, no one else. Also, there’s a Check In at Home feature, that will be useful, if you want to keep track of the time you spend with your family at home.

You can tap Home – Tap to set your location and use either the estimated current address or enter one for yourself. Last, you can add aspects for places, using Google Places with Hotpot, so you’ll leave feedback on a specific place, with details such as food and ambiance.

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