Keeping the profile constantly updated and handling the thousands of friends in the list has never been handier. Hi5 now moves in the mobile environment, with the help of Vodafone Live.

The international networking site is now available for mobile phones in 33 different languages. This makes it possible for handset users to send and receive messages, update their profile, browse their friends’ pages, share photos, see who is online and add new friends.

HI5 is not the first social network who turns mobile, but it surely is one of the most popular ones out there who makes this step. With the huge number of young people using the service, Vodafone naturally jumped at the idea before anybody else got there before them.

The service will be available from Vodafone Spain and is especially adapted to match the audience in this country. If it proves to be successful, there are high chances that the service provider will expand the mobile Hi5 addiction also in other countries.

[via: prnewswire]

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