HP Pre 3 is coming to the UK on July 8th, being available with a 350 quid price tag, according to Play.com. This is one of the latest successors to the famous Palm Pre and you must be aware that HP bought Palm in the meantime. This webOS model packs a 1.4GHz and more hardware, detailed after the break.

We’re dealing with a model with a 3.58 inches diagonal, a resolution of 480 x 800 pixels and a back camera of 5 megapixels. There’s also a 0.3 megapixel camera upfront and right Play.com takes pre-orders for the new HP model, expected to ship on July 8th. In the States this model will be available on Verizon this summer, but a certain date isn’t clear yet.

Will this unit sell better than the Palm Pre models?

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