T-Mobile USA recently let loose a tweet concerning the release details of HTC HD2, pricing included. We found out that the smartphone will be launched on March 24th, 2010 and that it’ll retail for $199.99, with a 2 year contract and qualifying plan. No info about the full retail price, but we can guess that it’ll be in the $500 range.

What’s extra in this device? A couple of apps like MobiTV, allowing you to watch TV shows and TV on demand on the go, plus Transforms and Transformers 2 preloaded on the handset and the BLOCKBUSTERS service, supporting download and movie watching.

Barnes & Noble also has an app on this handset, providing access to over one million eBooks, magazines and papers. Last, we learn about Gogo Inflight Internet, that allows the HTC HD2 user to connect to the Internet while on flight.

[via htcpedia]

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