HTC Eris is the second device in the Verizon Droid line and an Android model that looks very much like HTC Hero, at least in the design department. The folks of Engadget have tested both Eris and Hero, the last in its GSM and CDMA versions (without the chin), as you can see in the video below:

We remind you that HTC Hero was launched in the US via Sprint, in a version with a changed design, not sporting the famous “chin”. All three devices incorporate capacitive touch displays and you can notice that HTC Eris doesn’t feature that lower side curved design, a trademark for the GSM version of Hero.

The man in the video also mentions that the handsets are covered with a protective layer, not allowing them to get dirty and providing extra grip. This trait is visible mostly in the case of Droid Eris and less on the Sprint HTC Hero, that comes with a plasticky front side. The HTC Sense UI can be seen on all three devices, together with Windows Mobile (on Hero) and Android (on Eris).

At some point, you’ll spot the iPhone and Motorola Droid in the video, also being compared to the HTCs, but it’s all mostly about design and looks, than hardware/software.

[via Engadget]

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